Serious Board Game

The journey has come to an end and I am sorry that I haven’t updated anything about this but I’ll explain everything in this post 😀

As I mentioned in an earlier post we chose the subject of the homeless in Stockholm. During this project we have done a lot of prototyping and I am pleased with the outcome. Our goal with the game was to create awareness about the subject of homeless. Even inspire people to join an organisation that specialises in helping them as well.

We thought of a management system where you had to help the homeless with their needs and potential addictions in a turn based game. There were three different managers. The Provisions manager that gave food and clothes to those that needed it, which was limited. The Health manager manages the health care for the homeless and manages the addiction clinic as well. The last manager is the Residence manager that manages the shelter and permanent residences.

The game is about taking care of the homeless with their needs and potential addictions and then finally leading them to the permanent residence. If 5 homeless die because you did not take care of them, you lose the game. It’s a cooperative game and the managers discuss who to save.

The thing that surprised me when I played was that you grew attached to certain of the homeless characters that were created. I will show you a picture of it in this post and bear in mind that none of us are graphic artists 😛 I grew very attached to the character Märta just because of her cheer happiness in her situation. During the presentation tomorrow I can’t wait to see how people play our finished game. I’ll see if I can upload the game on this blog so you could play it if you want to.

Märta is in the red circle 😀


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